Our Story


George on the left and Martha on the right (if you needed a hand with that) 😂


The Manchester Wax Company is made up of a rather small team of 2 - Martha and George. We were both born and raised in Manchester and have quite busy lives alongside running our small business. Manchester Wax was founded in February 2021 after we both wanted to create a sustainable eco-friendly business!🐝

Meet Martha

Martha is currently working for the NHS as a Nurse. Martha does a lot of the 'hands-on' bits like making your products, packing them up and taking most of the pictures for our Socials and website - she makes sure everything looks pretty!


Meet George

George is currently a soldier serving in the British Army and spends his working week down south. George spends most of his downtime focusing on the behind the scenes aspect of the business, including sending out emails to all our subscribers, ensuring our Website and Etsy is up to date and organising our Social Media!



Wrapping up, George and Martha's Manchester Wax Company is a real-life story of turning a hobby into a business. Born and raised in Manchester, they both have busy lives - Martha as an NHS Nurse and George as a British Army Soldier. But during the third lockdown, they found solace in candle making and it soon became a full-fledged business. They offer a monthly subscription for candle lovers, with a focus on sustainability and eco-friendliness. The company is run by the dynamic duo, with Martha bringing the beauty and George handling the behind-the-scenes magic. If you're looking for some chill time or a monthly dose of new candle scents, Manchester Wax has got you covered.

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